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Elizabeth Laird, Jenny Lucander (illus)
Tiny Owl Publishing
Age 3-5

It’s bedtime and Amir is afraid of the dark and doesn’t want to go to sleep.  He thinks there’s something hiding under his bed: a big scary monster that growls like a lion and might eat him up. He even thinks the monster’s mum 1 deposit casino and dad might be hiding too. This version of the classic monster-under-the-bed story features a little boy whose father reassuringly and inventively counters Amir’s fears, helping to transform an imaginary ogre into an imaginary friend,


Share the story

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Read aloud
Read the story aloud, making sure you are cuddled up close!  Pause to talk about the pictures and what is happening. 

Things to talk about

  • Take time to look and talk about the cover together. What do children notice? What kind of story might it be?

  • Talk together about any comments, questions or feelings they have about the story.

  • After finishing the book make links with their own experience for example, the best things about bedtime or anything that scares them.

  • What would they tell someone else about this book?


Things to make and do

Make a collage picture of an imaginary monster using different scrap materials such as paper, fabric, card or magazine pictures. What would be a good name for their monster? They can write it by their picture.

Where does their monster live? What does it do at night or during the day? What does it eat and what does it play with?

Make a simple book using 2 sheets of paper folded in half. Decorate the cover and then draw and write a monster story. Children can add big speech bubbles for ROARS and other scary sounds.

Make a collection of monster names from stories you know. See how many you can collect or invent!
Children could create their own monster alphabet.


Find out more

Read other books about monsters on the Lovemybooks Scary! page

Billy and the Beast

Do Not Enter the Monster Zoo

The Ghost Train

The Grotlyn

The Gruffalo

Little Mouse’s Big Book of Fears

Watch an interview about Grobblechops with author Elizabeth Laird